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DWDM 4 skip 0 band filter

Operating Wavelengths: ITU Grid 100GHz 1460-1620nm
Pass Channels: 
ITU Grid C band C11 to C63 (1527.22nm to 1568.77nm), L band 1569.59nm to 1615.26nm
Package Dimensions

1)Glass tube 4*L27mm
2)Steel  tube 5.5*L34mm
3)ABS box L90*W20xH10mm
Package Dimensions
    This DWDM 4 skip 0 band filter is 3 ports passvie optical component based on TFF (Thin Film Filter) technology, which can split 4 DWDM wavelength into PASS port, and other wavelengths go to REFLECT port.  HyOptic can supply DWDM band filters ITU Grid 100GHz, 200GHz

    Low insertion loss
    High isolation
    Operating temperature -40 to 85 °C
    Telcoredia GR-1209-CORE and GR-1221-CORE
    PCT 168 hours reliability

    Parameters Unit Limited Value
    Pass  Insertion Ioss dB ≤0.8
    Reflect Insertion Loss dB ≤0.4
    PDL(Polarization Dependent Loss) dB ≤0.1
    Pass Isolation dB ≥25
    Reflect Isolation dB ≥12
    Return Loss dB ≥45
    Directivity dB ≥55
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